RoGamer helped alot with putting the code together as well. Special Thanks to Joshua! He made specific codes that allow for modes to be cc specific.

All content is property of their original creators and may be removed by them at any time. It has Faster Shells, Cannons, Fast Falling and Lower speed drifting. Total Number of Codes: 38766 This Page and Source Code © Copyright 2008-2014, BannerBomb. This is a near replica of CTGP's 200cc mode. The values vary depending on what controller you use, and what button(s) you want to press to turn on/off the code(s).Thread has been closed since Stebler has posted the official 200cc Code. These values allow you to turn on/off a code at will. As for speeds: Each 1.0x is approximately 80km/h. You will notice some codes have something along the lines of "2834XXXX YYYYZZZZ" listed within them. 1.0x is 150cc (50cc and 100cc are 0.8x and 0.9x respectively) Add the initial 150cc for 1.0x to 4,000cc and you have 4,150cc. It has Faster Shells, Cannons, Fast Falling and Lower speed drifting.

Vega This is a near replica of CTGP's 200cc mode.

You must select the version of Code that matches your version of MKWii - Thread has been closed since Stebler has posted the official 200cc Code. Due to the source code (RAM) of each different version, a code will vary. 200cc Replaces 150cc JoshuaMK, Leseratte Anytime 150cc is detected, the speed is properly modded for 200cc. This is because there are four different versions of Mario Kart Wii. You will notice in the Codes Forum that for every Code, there are 4 different 'versions' listed - NTSC-U, PAL, NTSC-J, and NTSC-K. Also, guide to add ISO/WBFS file to a USB stick can be found HERE If you have followed the thread to Softmod your Wii, you will now need to know how to rip an ISO/WBFS image from your Disc. Guide for that is HERE. If you wish to play on MKWii using a USB Loader and use cheat codes that way, you first need to Softmod your Wii. Guide to fully Softmod your Wii is HERE SKIP THIS if you only need to cheat using the Official Disc. Many many different codes can be found in the Codes Forum HERE

You will also need to know how to make GCT files which is required to play with cheats. Certain SD cards may not work. A complete compatibility list can be found HERE While to some of us, this may seem like common sense, there was a time for every one of us to learn how to play with cheat codes. NOTE: This guide is meant for the absolute beginners who simply don't know how to use cheats in the game. READ THIS before you want to post a new code thread, or before you are wanting to post a Code bug/issue. For Dolphin-Emulator view this thread HERE. For hacks such as Textures, Custom Tracks, Hack Packs, Character Mods, etc.